Trim Class
Welcome: Horse Owners, Families, Groups, Clubs, Eventers
We offer a 2 Day Trim Class for Owners…
Working with your OWN Horses!
Not offered at any other farrier school!!!
Classes are Thursday & Friday.
Please contact the office to secure a date!
These classes fill quickly. Because of the limited availability of the class (5 per year), we cannot hold a spot without an application and deposit. The deposit for the trim class is $50.00. This deposit is non-refundable if you do not show up for the class or if you have to change your date and it isn’t done at least 30 days prior to your class.
When you do not show up, it costs us money. You have taken an availability that someone else may have taken. It is our time and money to print your application, start your file, and pay the assistant instructor who comes even if you do not. We will not continue to eat those costs.
2025 Trim Class Dates
March 20 & 21 - Full!
May 8 & 9 - Full!
September 11 & 12 - 4 Openings
October 9 & 10 - 4 Openings
November 6 & 7 - 4 Openings
Trim Your Own Horse Class:
Taking this trim class for your own education is an excellent opportunity to learn more about horses in general, starting with your own…
No exceptions.
The purpose of bringing your horses with you is…
You learn how to maintain your own horses. You have a Farrier Instructor overseeing every step of your training. You can take photos and notes of what you learned so you know exactly what to do when you get home.
You will not be satisfied learning on other horses and breeds other than your own. You will have more questions when you get home than you have today.
Most people call us because they can’t find a farrier in their area or want to save money on farrier visits. Please don’t fire your farrier yet. You may need their advice in the future. The advantage of this training will help you BOTH communicate on hoof issues and help you understand the troubles the farrier runs into. Hands-on training with supervision by the professional farrier is an ideal situation rather than from a video.
The goal is to teach you on YOUR OWN Horses. Why? There are a lot of factors to consider when making the best decision for every horse that is trimmed. Normally a farrier student spends 12 weeks or more learning to just trim whether the horse is left barefoot, or he/she is trimming prior to shoeing. The BEST way to learn is with practice, practice, and more practice.
In a short period of two days, we can show you how to safely get under the horse while holding and managing the hoof and leg and how to safely and properly use a sharp hoof knife, a sharp rasp/file, and sharp hoof nippers. A miscut or slip of the tool can cut too much hoof off and cause damage. Hoof wall and the sole is like “gold”! We want to keep as much as possible for the health of the horse remaining barefoot. We don’t want you to cut yourself either! You will learn how to use and read a hoof gauge. Learning how to coordinate and do all this while the horse is moving, snatching, and wiggling around is a lot to learn in only two days. And if your horse will not stand still, then horse handling and training a horse to stand comes into play. The evaluation of your horse’s conformation is part of the training (what is its daily regimen, environment, riding, events, etc.).
This is only the beginning. We want you to understand what and why you are trimming. The anatomy and functions of the hoof and lower limb are important to know. Also, important to know is, what you have to work with in the beginning and what the outcome should be over time. Corrective trimming comes into play. You will learn problems that may occur in matching up the hooves, the quality of the hoof, nutritional value, thin or thick walls, thrush, diseases, low heels, etc. All hooves are NOT in the same!
Spend your $$$ wisely and Bring Your Own Horses to our special Trim Class.
Hoof care is often ignored when purchasing or owning a horse. We offer the best and only opportunity for owners and the horse industry to improve this situation.
Hands-on with your Horses all Day!
Trim classes are scheduled to be convenient for working people who want to learn more about the hoof care for their own horses. We have trim classes scheduled throughout the year.
Please read over the Age Requirements and Enrollment Agreement which includes the Liability Release Form. We will need these signed and sent in with your tuition. The suggested student age is 18 and over, male and female, if attending on your own.
These two days are equivalent to the first two of our 2-week course. We will concentrate on trimming your own horses to remain barefoot. Handling, proper stance, using and choosing your tools, anatomy, and basic hoof care knowledge while teaching you to properly trim is our goal. Safety is our priority with NO injuries to horses or students.
The tuition cost for two days is only $400.00 (January 2022). There is a $50.00 deposit due at time of registration to hold your date. This includes your lodging, two meals a day, and instruction by a Farrier Specialist Instructor each day. Upon arrival, we will give you a manual to study that night.
We have outside holding pens and some covered stalls in case of bad weather for your short stay. You MUST have a current negative COGGINS report. You are asked to provide your own hay and feed during your stay and leave the stalls clean. There is no additional charge. You may park your trailer and stay in it if you choose but no hookups are available. NO DOGS PLEASE.
Daily hours: 8am–5pm - includes breakfast & lunch
Arrival: Please arrive the day before and check-in at the office anytime by dark.
Our Trim Class days are Thursday & Friday. You can verify the days by looking under the “Trim Class” tab for the trim class dates.
Housing: Separate men’s and ladies’ bunkhouses are on the property. We are not equipped for couples to stay together. We ask you to stay in separate bunkhouses unless you would like to stay in a nearby hotel. Grocery stores and shops are located within a 25-minute drive in nearby Lafayette, Dalton, & Calhoun, Georgia. Each student should provide twin size bed linens, towels, toiletries, & personal items.
Student Tools: Using and choosing your tools is part of your training.
You will need these items available for purchase here.
*Hoof knife $25.00
*Rasp with a handle $40.00
*Wire brush $6.00
*14” Hoof Nippers $110.00
The total of the package is $181.00
or… if you already own and use any of these bring them with you, of course!
Available for purchase are farrier aprons/chaps and a shoeing box for your tools.
Questions & Answers:
An evaluation from a woman who recently brought her own 2 horses for the 2-DAY Trim Course for Horse Owners and their horses.
Q. How many hooves did you trim?
A. 9
Q. What did you learn about safety?
A. Safety is first.
Q. Did we push you too hard? Not enough?
A. Just right.
Q. Do you feel that you did the best job you could possibly do?
A. I can always do better.
Q. Did your horses “cooperate” for trimming?
A. NO. He was not cooperative at all. The instructor had to aid in training him to stand still. I learned how to get his respect and he was better.
Q. What would you have changed or done differently and what do you need more help in?
A. The instructor was excellent! I learned so much from Jarvis. He was very patient with me and he is very knowledgeable. I will be trimming my three horses when I get home. Practice, practice, practice will make me better.
Q. How would you rate the Instructor(s) from 1-10 (10 being the highest rating)
A. 10
Q. Comment on Communicating with your Instructor(s):
A. Jarvis was very good at communicating with me. He was able to explain things to me in a way the made sense.
Q. Comment on Communicating with other students:
A. Everyone was very friendly and helpful.
Q. Overall school activities rating:
A. Excellent
Q. Meals:
A. Excellent
If you have any questions or would like to get on the schedule for this class, please give the school a call at 706-397-8909. And please remember, this is a trim class for your horse only. Please do not call asking for any exceptions.