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14013 Georgia East Hwy 136
LaFayette, GA, 30728


At Georgia Horseshoeing School, we train farriers by providing knowledge and skill at the highest level. Using the latest technology, we provide farriers with the best education possible. Learn corrective horseshoeing, hoof repair, gait analysis, blacksmithing and business management for horseshoers.

2025 EFT Dates

 2025 Equine Flexion Therapy Dates

***These dates are flexible depending on the number of students that sign up. We must have enough students to make it worthwhile for Mr. Dan to drive from Texas.***

  • March 26, 27, 28 - Full

  • June 11, 12, 13

  • September 17, 18, 19

  • December 3, 4, 5

Beginning 2024, there will be a $100.00 non-refundable deposit to sign up for the Equine Flexion Therapy Class. If you choose to not show up for the class, you will not get your deposit back. If you need to change dates, and it isn’t done at least 30 days prior to your class date, you will not get your deposit back. If you do show up, the $100.00 deposit is a credit toward the balance you owe.

If you choose to not show up, it costs us money. You have taken an availability that someone else may have taken. It costs us money to print your application, begin your file, schedule horses for you to practice on, and pay Mr. Dan to come from Texas. This all has to be done prior to the class and whether you show up or not. We will not continue to eat those costs.

If you are interested in taking this class, please call our office at 706-397-8909.